It’s No KURO, But Pioneer’s KODO Wall-Mounted iPod Dock Will Do


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Google’s mobile plans to be unveiled soon

For now it’s not much more than a plan to announce a plan within the next few weeks, but since it involves Google and cellphone networks, we’ll take it. The Wall Street Journal has the news that Google will announce its mobile offerings within the next two weeks, which could take the form of hardware, software packages, or — most likely — an open platform for phones that third party developers can build on. Interaction is the key word here: Google’s platform won’t involve locking down features, rather, it’ll open them up so that they work together. How exactly the company will execute this plan will be revealed within the immediate future: although with most phone manufacturers already subcontracting development of their phone’s software platforms, it doesn’t sound like it should be too difficult a job to muscle in.

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